Why Bananas are NOT Bad for You

Let's discuss one of the foods that I could never live without, BANANAS!
The most recent trend that I have been hearing from clients is, “I can’t eat bananas because they are bad for me.” My first question to this statement is, “SAYS WHO?” Let me just clear the air – this is a myth and false information. Bananas are considered super foods and are very beneficial for your health.
If you are one of those people that believe that bananas are bad for you, I’m going to explain to why they are not!
Bananas are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. They are made up of vitamin B6 (25%), manganese (16%), vitamin C (14%), potassium (12%), fiber (12%), copper (10%) and biotin (10%).
Katie, what are these vitamins and minerals and why are they important? Here’s your answer:
Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B is one of your most important vitamins. You need vitamin B in order to convert food into energy and help metabolize fat and protein. B6 is important for cardiovascular, digestive, immune, muscular, and nervous system function. It is also essential for development and function of the brain as well as your hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which affect mood. Happy mind, happy life!
Manganese – This mineral is one that people do not pay much attention to but it is used largely in the body. It is involved in bone formation, thyroid function, formation of connected tissues, calcium absorption, blood sugar regulation, immune function and metabolizes fat and carbohydrates. As you can see this is a powerful mineral!
Vitamin C – When we get sick we always hear to up our Vitamin C intake but rarely do people understand why. Vitamin C is crucial in protecting our immune system and fighting off invaders. In addition, it aids in prevention of cardiovascular disease, prenatal health deficiencies and even skin and aging health!
Potassium – Potassium is one of the most important minerals in the human body. It is essential for muscle function, nerves, and regulates our heartbeat which are all important for cardiovascular health. Potassium is also important for low blood pressure, anxiety, stress, water balance and metabolism function. Super mineral specifically for athletes.
Fiber – Fiber caters to digestive health, which keeps your body regular.
Copper – Copper is integral for increasing energy production, regulates heart rhythm, balanced thyroid glands, aids in healing of wounds by increasing red blood formation and helps with reduction of cholesterol.
Biotin – Also known as Vitamin B7, this is a water-soluble vitamin (need water for your body to absorb). Great for hair thickening, nails and clear skin. In addition, needed for metabolism, nerve function, cardiovascular and digestive health.
I also often hear that bananas are “bad for you” because they are full of sugar and carbohydrates. Let's clear the air. Do they contain sugar and carbohydrates, yes! Are these sources bad? No! Like everything in life moderation is key. You are allowed X amount of sugar a day and X amount of carbohydrates a day. Both the sugar and carbohydrates found in bananas are natural sources – aka, they are essential in your everyday diet, specifically for energy production.
Lastly, depending on the ripeness of the banana, on average, they score around 50 on the glycemic index which classifies them as a low to moderate glycemic food (anything below 55 is considered low). Which means, they have a small impact on increasing blood sugar. Do you want to eat multiple bananas a day? Probably not, but one nice sized banana a day will only benefit you, not hurt you!
So please, do not fear bananas! Incorporate bananas into your every day. They make for a great snack and never fail to leave you satisfied! My promise to you! :)