Why Bananas are NOT Bad for You
Let's discuss one of the foods that I could never live without, BANANAS! The most recent trend that I have been hearing from clients is,...

Why You Need to EAT to Lose
Alright all, let’s talk about one of my all-time favorite topics when it comes to weight loss. Which is, why you need to EAT to lose...

Benefits of Coconut Water: 101
Have you ever tried a sip of coconut water and immediately felt the urge to spit it out? Believe me, I was there once too. Drinking...

411 On Caffeine
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulate as well as a diuretic. Meaning, consumption of caffeinated drinks increases urine...

Why H2O Is So Important
Our body is made up of 70% of water. Drinking water may be the most important piece to any fitness and weight loss goal. Water helps...