Eating Better On A Budget
One of the most common reasons that people do not eat as healthy as they should is because they feel as though eating healthy is too...

Understanding Weight Gain and Weight Loss
With weight loss, people generally want to lose drastic weight in a short period of time. I wish I could supply everyone with a magic...

Holiday Nutrition Tips
It’s that time of year again, the Holidays! With Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s creeping upon us it’s that time to let loose,...

The WHY to Nutrition
Working in the health and fitness industry I am exposed to meeting and working with all different types of people. I learned quickly...

The Health Benefits of Pumpkin
As Fall approaches we all love to venture to our favorite farm to pick out the perfect pumpkin! Most of us view pumpkins as a colorful...

7 Ways to Keep Energy Levels Up
Do you find yourself feeling run down, tired and/or sluggish? Are your energy levels low but you can’t seem to figure out why? Do you...

The Importance of Carbohydrates
Let's talk about my favorite macronutrient, carbohydrates! One of the most common things I hear (apart from bananas being bad for you!)...

AVOCADO: Why Avocados Are A Superfood
Do you ever wonder the benefits that your body is actually getting while eating the foods you love? Avocado is one (of many) foods I...

What is REALLY in your protein bar?
Have you ever wondered what all those long character ingredients in your protein bar (or powder) mean? Marketing is a very powerful tool...

7 Tips to a Healthier Family
Parents have a major role in their children’s nutrition. While TV commercials and peer pressure have a great influence on children and...