The Diehl to Weight Loss: The Right Way
September was a big weight-loss month for clients. It is the 1st month post Summer and people are ready to get back or start, getting in...

Understanding Corona Virus and How To Boost Immunity
WOW defines the month of March. What is going on in the world right now is wild. It is something that I thought was impossible, became...

What REALLY Happens to Your Body When You Consume Alcohol
From nights out with friends, a glass or two of wine at dinner, or happy hours, alcohol is a hot topic in my practice and often times my...

4 Easy Ways to Stay Germ Free
October is here which means holiday season is right around the corner. Which also means, cold/flu season is right around the corner. So...

How to Stay Fit and Healthy on Vacation
One of the best times of year is approaching us - SUMMER. During the summer months our goal is to get out of town and remove ourselves...

7 Ways to Keep Energy Levels Up
Do you find yourself feeling run down, tired and/or sluggish often? Are your energy levels low but you can’t seem to figure out why? Do...

6 Key Ingredients You Should Look Out For in Protein Products
Before I became a nutritionist and complete nerd about food awareness, every time I drank a protein shake, within 20 minutes I would come...

10 Healthy Holiday Strategies
It feels like in a blink of an eye the Holiday's arrive! I will not deny that I do love this time of year. We all work so hard and...

Why Work With A Nutritionist?
Have you failed at weight management because you tried one fad diet and moved onto another? Have you attempted to eat healthy but...

Do you find yourself nibbling in between meals or throughout the day? Are you nibbling on foods that you know are not the best but...